Friday, July 10, 2009

Where can I create this kind of email address?

I want an email address where I can decide what to put after the "@".


Instead of I'd like it to have

Where can I create this kind of email address?
you will need to set up your own email address, or pay for web hosting and they will usually give u emails to whatever domain that you pick. ie- if u choose the domain, then your email will be but if you have a old computer sitting around then a email server is much cooler because its free =D

email if you want 2 set up your own server
Reply:You can but you wont be able to use email to send and received , it works on msn but you cant changes your dispalyed name.

If you want to received and send email you must buy a domain

and register your domain with msn to received and send any email.
Reply:i think aol has that option, but you need to have a cell phone number when you create it. i wouldn't reccomend it though, aol is a horrible email server. but if you wanna try it, go for it :)
Reply:Some websites have the option of choosing from a certain amount of domains. You have to get the domain name, and that is not easy, likely not free.
Reply:Yes you can many sites offer this-check out my source below

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