Friday, July 10, 2009

I would like to know how to get my kids there own Instant Messager without having to create an email address.?

I have my own IM but when my kids get onto the computer and talk to our friends they think it is me. So, I would like to sent my kids up with there own IM's.
I would like to know how to get my kids there own Instant Messager without having to create an email address.?
simply create profiles/names for the kids on MSGR...
Reply:No, it will not work! They need to have their own emails in order to have messenger ID's and Im's.

Reply:on yahoo? if not then simply go to and follow the pretty user friendly steps to creating one, aim is free of charge and very simple to use
Reply:just download.... whatever... and get a screen name... or just make the email address and dont let them use it.... or something.

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