Friday, July 10, 2009

How do I cancel my current yahoo email address and then create a new one?

I want a new yahoo email address therefore, I want to cancell and discontinue using the current email address I have.
How do I cancel my current yahoo email address and then create a new one?
Make sure you have signed out of any account you wish to keep and then click here:

I recommend you read the following warnings from Yahoo:

When you terminate your account you will lose access to your Yahoo! ID, Yahoo! Mail, and profile names. They will also delete your account data and settings across the Yahoo! network. This includes any contents in: Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Address Book, Flickr, Yahoo! HotJobs, GeoCities, Yahoo! Briefcase, My Yahoo!, Yahoo! Groups, Finance Portfolio, and any other area of Yahoo! that can only be accessed with your Yahoo! ID and password. Questions and Answers in Yahoo Answers remain even after closing the account.

Reply:Go here: Follow the prompts to close out your account. Please be sure to read all warnings very carefully during the account deletion process. Once you terminated your account, you'll lose access to it as well as all the saved information that was stored there.

From there, go open a new Y! Mail account:

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